
Showing posts from June, 2019

Paterson Chiropractor Adds Car Accident Injury Therapies To Specialization Areas

The practice of Dr. Ricardo Lalama, D.C. ( has the methods and knowledge to provide specialized care for victims of automobile accidents. The Paterson chiropractor provides the range of techniques which help to restore patients to full health and wellness. Chiropractic techniques are non-invasive and non-pharmaceutical. They are gentle, yet effective. The practice is available in Paterson, Clifton and Passaic, New Jersey. The team of chiropractic professionals has accrued more than 37 years of solid clinical experience and expertise in the field. The Paterson chiropractic team has the knowledge and experience to treat a myriad of car accident injuries. These include neck pain, back pain, numbness and tingling, muscle stiffness, headaches and other possible symptoms. The chiropractic care for motor vehicle accidents includes a carefully planned, meticulous, careful and personalized treatment plan for the accident victim’s specific injuries. The care plan may inc

Some Common Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries: How to Treat and Prevent Them

Accidents happen. Whether you’re at fault or you’re the victim of someone else’s negligence, a car accident can be a traumatic event — especially if you’re injured as a result. An alarming 1.25 million Americans lose their lives every year due to an automobile accident. And another 20-50 million are injured. Even if you’ve never been in a car accident, you’re sadly not safe from danger. Car accidents are more common than almost any other type of accident that leads to serious (and sometimes life-threatening) injury. The best way to avoid a car accident is to stay off the road. But this isn’t practical for most people. Between work and social obligations, the majority of Americans own at least one vehicle and spend several hours a day on the road. If you can’t avoid driving, you need to arm yourself with the information and safety tips necessary to avoid a life-changing accident. Depending on the severity of your injury, a chiropractor may help as well. Chiropractors are skilled i

The Importance Of Paterson Chiropractic Care For Car Accident Victims
