Choose A Specialized Paterson Chiropractor For Healing Your Hidden Car Accident Injuries

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Car accidents are uncompromising affairs; they are potentially dangerous as they can cause serious injuries to your muscles, tendons, disc, ligaments, & nerves of your spine. In fact, a car accident brings loads of unwanted stress into your life. It can also force you to take a long break from your regular day-to-day job and it may further prevent you from performing specific tasks too.
While surgeries and medications are the typical “go-to” treatments for the victims of car accidents, there is a much better alternative…and that is to consult with a specialized professional Paterson Chiropractor. These car accident treating professionals will not only help you to lead a great and pain free life, but also they’ll even provide accurate treatments for your hidden car accident injuries. In the following context of this article, I’ll reveal the details on when and why you should really consider a chiropractic assessment after a recent car accident.
About Your Car Accident…Was It Massive Or Extensive?
In general, after an extensive car accident, when the victims get a severe head injury or the symptoms of internal bleeding, they should immediately opt for getting emergency medical care. In fact, when the condition is pretty serious, taking an urgent medical care approach to help is absolutely important.
However, if you’re involved in a minor car accident, emotions will be surely running high, which ultimately makes it pretty easy to ignore the common symptoms of injury. Failure to check with a specialist even after this minor incident can eventually prove costly at the end since you can end up with a chronic arthritic issue that usually takes years to heal and costs thousands of dollars in terms of your medical bills. Needless to say, it’s an absolute misconception that only massive or extensive car accidents can cause severe injuries. In reality, even minor car accident can also lead to potential soft tissue injuries such as whiplash, herniated discs, etc. The only way to heal your spine against these types of injuries is to consult with an experienced chiropractor in Paterson, NJ at the earliest time possible.
Are You Feeling Pain?
If you’re feeling an acute pain right after a car accident, then it’s a good indication of a potential soft tissue injury. If the incident caused some severe or life-threatening injuries, then you should immediately visit the nearest emergency medical care unit.
However, if you’re not feeling any pain, then it’s also a great idea to consult with a local chiropractor. Sometimes, a car accident may not necessarily cause an instant pain or discomfort, it may take several weeks to a couple of months before symptoms of pain become intensified.
It’s important to understand that if you haven’t undergone any necessary treatments during this time period, it becomes very difficult to make a claim to your insurance company. Hence, the best rule is – to be very cautious about your health (in this case, your spinal health), play it safe with your finances and take the appropriate steps necessary for yourself and your family by getting thoroughly assessed by a specialized professional chiropractor within two weeks following your car accident.
Choose A Specialized Car Accident Chiropractor In Paterson NJ For Healing Your Hidden Injuries
In order to protect your insurance rights, it’s important to visit your local hospital and medical care units if you’re faced with serious and life threatening injuries. Their medical practitioners can easily diagnose some life threatening injuries like fractures, concussions, broken bones, and other possible symptoms of injury right after a car accident. Even if they clearly state that you are completely fit by giving you a clean bill of health, you should always opt for a second opinion if you’re still experiencing some type of pain. In this case, checking with a qualified chiropractor should be your next immediate step.
Professional chiropractors are well-aware of such car accident hidden injures and they possess a profound level of expertise in treating such patients on a regular basis. A car injury may be hidden until months or even years without revealing the slightest pain or discomfort. Chiropractors are exclusively trained to detect such hidden injuries. They will perform various orthopedic and neurological tests in order to assess structural damage, soft tissue damage, muscle strength, range of motion in your spinal joints, and proper nerve function that other medical practitioners may miss.
If you’ve recently been involved in a car accident in Paterson, Clifton and Passaic New Jersey, you can contact Paterson Chiropractor Dr. Ricardo Lalama, D.C. for an immediate chiropractic consultation by him or one of his team members. We have more than 37 years of solid clinical experience and expertise in this field which allows us to treat a myriad of car accident injuries including neck pain, back pain, numbness and tingling, muscle stiffness, headaches, and other possible symptoms.
We provide qualified Paterson Chiropractic care for motor vehicle accidents, in which we will plan out a meticulous, careful, and personalized treatment plan for you and your specific injuries. This care plan may include a specific schedule of chiropractic adjustments, deep tissue massages and trigger point therapy in order to restore optimum health to your spine and surrounding muscles and tissues.
After a car accident, you may face various injuries like herniated discs, strained tissues, subluxations, and so on. Our team of esteemed chiropractors will arrange a series of adjustments so that you can gain full mobility with a pain-free and healthy life. Contact us today at (862) 571-1792 and rest assured that your car accident injuries won’t go unnoticed!


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