Immediately Visit Dr Ricardo Lalama DC A Paterson Chiropractor For Neck Pain Due To Auto Accidents

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Immediately Visit Dr Ricardo Lalama, DC A Paterson Chiropractor for Neck Pain Due To Auto Accidents
Immediately Visit Dr Ricardo Lalama, DC A Paterson Chiropractor for Neck Pain Due To Auto Accidents

When dealing with any type of neck pain due to auto accidents be smart and do the right thing—seek immediate help from Dr Ricardo Lalama, DC a Paterson chiropractor. Delaying this will increase the chances of further neck and upper spine injury as well as more pain. If you are in doubt you might have suffered a whiplash injury which normally result from automobile accidents. If the head is suddenly whipped front to back, side to side, back to front, or twisted rotationally, the chances are very good you have suffered whiplash. This is one of those physical injuries you cannot treat with an aspirin and expect to feel better in the morning. Seek professional help to prevent aggravating the injury further. Following are a few ways to help with managing any form of whiplash injury.
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First is seeking immediate chiropractic care from Dr Ricardo Lalama, DC  as we discussed above. Next is to have your neck pain due to auto accidents properly diagnosed by Paterson, NJ chiropractor Dr. Ricardo Lalama, DC. He will treat you and begin further treatment you can continue at home with ice packs on the neck, shoulders and upper spine as required. He will give you a schedule to follow for this treatment and it must be followed to reduce the swelling.
Many people do the exact opposite of what is needed after returning home—they are in pain and further activity increases the pain, so they do nothing. This is a big mistake! This is why seeking the diagnosis and treatment of Dr. Lalama is so vital. If the neck pain is of the sharp, piercing type then you MUST insure that Dr. Ricardo Lalama knows this as this level of pain will cause further damage. On the other hand if the neck pain is like you feel the day after heavy physical activity (stiffness and sore) this is a level that will allow for most normal daily activities to continue. Work with your chiropractor so he is aware of the true level of pain so proper treatments can be performed and a list of what to do, and not to do, is formulated for you to follow.
If you have poor posture now is the time to correct it. Avoid any type of physical position that aggravates the injury while working on keeping the spine and head straight as you sit, drive, walk, and stand still.
Working in conjunction with Dr Ricardo Lalama,DC, a Paterson, NJ chiropractor, is the key to managing your neck pain due to auto accidents so you can fully recover. By doing so you are going to suffer far less pain and the injury will heal properly in a shorter amount of time.
Have you suffered any form of whiplash? Please share this article with others on Facebook and Twitter.


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