Stretching Gives Instant Relief For Back Pain

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Stretching Gives Instant Relief for Back Pain
Stretching Gives Instant Relief for Back Pain
In today’s busy, stressful world many people suffer from all sorts of body aches and pains. These conditions might be related to hard physical work, being overweight, or simply using poor posture, but the number of Americans suffering from back pain is at a record high number so let’s take a look at one simple method you can use in the comfort of home or at the office to help relieve that aching back.
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I know what many of you are thinking—I am so busy now where in the world am I supposed to find time for exercise? The good news is stretching the muscle groups of your back is not a two hour workout at the gym. Five to twenty minutes per day is plenty of time to devote to conditioning these muscle groups and lessening the pain. This small investment of time is worth that isn’t it? The benefits received go much further than a pain free back. You are going to feel better in all areas of the body because the spine and back is the “core” of supporting all other parts of our bodies. When the back pain decreases and then eventually leaves completely your entire physical condition takes a dramatic turn for the better. Now you are going to be more productive at home and work and life will be enjoyable again instead of suffering through constant pain.
Begin your stretching of the back muscles slowly. If 3 to 5 minutes is all you can do initially this is fine. Over the ensuing weeks this time period will increase naturally as the spine and back muscles become conditioned to the stretching and they will actually crave more of the same.
Our initial stretching is supposed to go slowly with no pain to your back ligaments and tendons. Try doing a few simple bends of the back forward with your arms reaching towards the floor. Use a wide stance of the feet for balance. DO NOT go further than is comfortable as this can result in a more serious condition such as a torn or strained muscle.
Slowly do a few side to side rotations, and lean backward as far as is comfortable a few times. Remember, we are using muscles that are out of shape and it is going to take time to condition them so go slowly.
As the days pass you will begin to notice less back pain and an increase in your flexibility and endurance. We strongly recommend visiting a good chiropractor before beginning any stretching plan so they can locate exactly where the pain originates and recommend the best exercises to concentrate on.
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